Young wind researcher receives best paper award
Tor Martin Lystad from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is awarded the prize for the best scientific article in the field of wind research.
The article “Buffeting response of long-span bridges considering uncertain turbulence parameters using the environmental contour method” has been named 'best paper for 2020' by the committee for the Tom A. Wyatt Best Paper Award.
The scientific article maintains a high professional level and meets the criteria for selecting the winner of the Tom A. Wyatt Best Paper Award.
The criteria are:
- Relevance to the area of wind technology and / or bridge dynamics.
- Has achieved being published in a recognized international journal in the field.
Important knowledge for designing long, slender structures
In his research work, Tor Martin Lystad has worked with full-scale measurements of the Hardanger Bridge, which is Norway's longest suspension bridge, and one of the slimmest suspension bridges in the world. Hardangerbrua is positioned in a complex terrain over a fjord with surrounding high mountains. This means that the wind field will no longer be able to be simulated precisely as stationary and homogeneous, and which therefore requires a more comprehensive description of the parameters that describe the wind field.
The bridge technology is constantly evolving towards longer and slimmer structures, which makes the structures more susceptible to wind-induced dynamic response. This in turn, means that great demands are placed on the methods used in the dimensioning to achieve an economically favourable and reliable design.
“Lystad has contributed to improving and further developing the calculation methods for how wind loads affect suspension bridges, this is important and useful knowledge bridge engineers can use when designing long, slender structures,” says Mathias Egeland Eidem, from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, who has led the jury for the selection of the prize.
The jury consisted of:
- Mathias Egeland Eidem (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)
- Anders Rönnquist (NTNU)
The jury has been assisted by a professional committee consisting of the following experts:
- Bjørn Isaksen, Norwegian Public Roads Administration
- Ole Øiseth, NTNU
- Jasna B. Jakobsen, University of Stavanger
Tor Martin Lystad will be awarded NOK 35,000 intended to be used for attending conferences regarding wind research. Lystad is currently employed by Norconsult.
About theTom A. Wyatt Best Paper Award
In consultation with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and NTNU, a grant has been established to support young researchers in wind research and bridal dynamics at NTNU and the University of Stavanger (UiS). The scholarship has been named "The Thomas A. Wyatt Best Paper Award", and the prize of NOK 35,000 is awarded annually for up to two very high quality scientific articles in Tom Wyatt's field.
More information about Tom A. Wyatt in the article New bursary created for young wind researchers with a passion for life can be found here.
Tor M.Lystad Buffeting response of long-span bridges considering uncertain turbulence parameters using the environmental contour method, Engineering Structures, 2020.

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